According to the New York Times,it is estimated that about 42.5% of the children in India suffer from malnutrition.The World Bank, citing estimates made by the World Health Organization, states "that about 49 per cent of the world's underweight children, 34 per cent of the world's stunted children and 46 per cent of the world's wasted children, live in India." The World Bank also noted that "while poverty is often the underlying cause of malnutrition in children, the superior economic growth experienced by South Asian countries compared to those in Sub-Saharan Africa, has not translated into superior nutritional status for the South Asian child."
The main cause for malnutrition is population India is world's second largest populous country. According to the estimation India having 1.18 billion peoples (april 10).
In 1947, the average annual income in India was $439, compared with $619 for China, $770 for South Korea, and $936 for Taiwan. In 1999, the figure reached to $1,818; $3,259; $13,317; and $15,720 respectively. From the figure we can say that South Korea figure was same as India. But in 2000 South Korea became a developed country and India was left as one of the world's poorer countries.
India is estimated as thirds largest poorer country in the world.
Now we comes to the solution of these problems of poverty. As we know India's 45% of population having 1.25$ income/day, so it is very difficult to feed all the peoples within a very short period of time. As world is developing more faster than India, so Indian government should introduce new plans for poverty or malnutrition. As there are so many persons doesn't have ration card(the card issued by Indian government to peoples come below poverty line(BPL ) so the people can purchase food grains in minimum cost). More than 5% of peoples that are BPL does not have ration card. Here are some good plans that should implement by Indian government:

* They should maintain data base for ration card so that every poor person have ration card.
*The distribution of food grain should be under surveillance of central government of India.
*All the entries for the peoples purchasing the food grains should be save in a computer server so that people cannot purchase the grains more than their limit. If limit overs then they have to wait for next month or they have to pay same cost for the grains as in the market.
*The purchasing limit of the people should be given according to the number of couples in a family.
*The family having more than 2 child should not be provide ration card.(This condition should be applicable after some time).
Some download link:
Poverty estimates for 2004-2005(click here)
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