An Outlook On Life
Surrender yourself into the hands of God while observing complete restraint on your body senses and mind. Whatever then happens in your life shall be auspicious....there shall be spontaneous attainment of success, accomplishment and Samādhi in your life.
Work Philosophy
The objective of our life is to believe in the Supermacy of the power of Guru and the power of God to worship the Nation-deity through disciplined hardwork, and to discharge our righteous actions and duties with complete dedication, competence unsparing endeavour and enterprise (aggressiveness). Always staying calm and devoid of an arrogance, by accepting that the knowledge, prosperity, success, accomplishment, kingdom, affluence, glory - all these achievements of our life are bye the grace of Guru and God, this is our work philosophy.
The Five Vows
1. God has choosen me for self redemption and for welfare of the world.
2. Life has got before it a very sublime goal of service to the nation and service of mankind.
3. I will never assess myself disparagingly.
4. I will maintain a perennial flow of noble sentiments in my life.
5. I will live as a cautious and vigilant representative of my Guru, God and nation
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