Saturday, December 10, 2011

Censorship VS Kapil Sibal

On 6th of December 2011 the telecom minister Kapil Sibal has asked the internet communities and social networking sites to remove or monitor the controversial contents on the websites. Indirectly now Indian governments trying to withdraw the open rights of press. As per the telecom minister (Indian Government), "it's not true to keep the content which are not controversial for other countries like US, UK, China... we have to keep our social and religious factors in mind."

Kapil Sibal asked to social networking sites like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft to monitor the content which are controversial or contain any kind of information about our politicians.
Indian Cyber Officer said that "it's very hard to monitor that type of contents because still there is not such kind of technology which keep tracks of this kind of information."

Isn't that crazy? Now our government is trying to pulling the open rights of internet world. According to Google policy any one can write or post any kind of content which is not illegal according to the local law and which doesn't violates the Google's policies.

Internet is the only world where you can share your thought or feelings about our politician to the world, but Indian government trying to stop us by spreading information about our own country. Mr. Sibal called a press conference just after released of unofficial pictures of congress minister Mrs Sonia Gandhi and prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh on net.

Several social networking sites gave their reactions: according to Facebook, "We recognize the government interest in minimizing the amount of abusive content that is available online and will continue to engage with the
Indian authorities as they debate this important issue."

Google said that "when the content is illegal it abides by the local law, we removes it. And even where the content is legal but violates our terms and conditions, we take that down too, once we have been notified. However, if the content is legal and does not violates its policies, we will not remove just because of controversial."

Censorship on internet world is the craziest thing we ever heard. So now the thing is that how IS IT POSSIBLE?

FDI in retail. Will it be beneficial?

Recently congress is trying to implement 51% of FDI in retail in Indian market. The bigger question raise here is, will it be beneficial for a common citizen of our country? Well, as per the rule of opposition party they started opposing the bill of FDI proposed by congress. And the government have put FDI on hold for few more days.
But before opposing to the proposed bill we should go through all the points which are in favor and the points which are opposes the bill. One of the congress minister claims that FDI, "immensely help Indian farmers and create jobs in the agricultural and food-processing industry". 
Around half of the Indian population is employed through agriculture and many of them employed through retail market or a small business. So Indian population is afraid of loosing there market. But it's not correct. But the congress government have tried to assuage the countrymen by saying that the alleged companies must also spent $ 100 million half of which is to be invest in back end infrastructure development.
As the bill was proposed in the parliament our great opposition party started opposing the bill. Peoples started protesting against the bill in every city of the country. All the small business persons and many opposition party leader decided to put ("bharat band" ) Indian market closed on Dec 2 2011. Monitoring the situation of the country congress government put FDI on hold for few days. 
As per the beneficial points of FDI it was very use full for Indian citizens as it will provide thousands of jobs to Indian.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

India third most powerful nation.

India is listed as the third most powerful country in the world after the US and China and the fourth most powerful bloc after the US, China and the European Union in a new official US report.

Using the insights of a host of experts from Brazil, Russia, India and China, among others, and fictionalised scenarios, the report illustrates what could happen over the next 25 years in terms of global governance.

The new global power lineup for 2010 also predicted that New Delhi's clout in the world will further rise by 2025, according to 'Global Governance 2025' jointly issued by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the US and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).

According to this international futures model, by 2025 the power of the US, EU, Japan and Russia will decline while that of China, India and Brazil will increase, even though there will be no change in this listing.

By 2025, the US will still be the most powerful country of the world, but it will have a little over 18 percent of the global power.
The US will be closely followed by China with 16 percent, European Union with 14 percent and India with 10 per cent.

This critical turning point includes issues of climate change, ethnic and regional conflicts, new technology, and the managing of natural resources.
Special thanks to:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to improve railway security.....?

India got the world's fourth largest railway network. (1. United States, 2.Russia, 3.China).It carry 20 million of passengers and 2 million tonnes of freight per day.It is world's largest job providing industry having more than 1.6 million of employees.
Isn't it sound so good to you..? And it must be.. But do you know there are still some points that makes Indian railway system as world's unsecured railway system. Indian railway has more than 64000 km of track and more than 6000 station. As we know India is facing lot of problems related to railway security system. Within last 3 months we heard about more than 4 accidents and lost more than 500 life.Now my question is to Ministry of India that "where are we lagging..?"
There must be some problem in security system.
I was thinking about this topic from last 2-3 months and got some excellent point regarding security system.
We shoud divide the railway security system in three ways:
1. Running train security:- I saw some guards around me when I was traveling in train from Bhopal to Chennai.There was only 4-5 guard having shotgun. I think it is not sufficient for 20 coaches of a train. So we should increase the number of guards not only guard well trained guard with modern arms.

2.Track security:-The second important thing is to maintain the 64000km of track without damage. We should increase the number of check point and routine check of tracks. GPS system should be installed in the engines to track the proper location of the train. So accidents occurs due to collision can be avoided.

3 Station security:-More number of CCTV should be install. No buddy should enter in the station w/o platform tickets, It will not only improve the security but also improve the economic rate of IR. People can carry anything inside the station and its so dangerous for human life.  

special thanks to:

We: The loosers

India:The country of religions,the country of gods like Ram, Allah, Jesus, Gurru nanak and still counting. The thinking of Indian people I mean ...I am talking about us. The main problem is we do not accept our mistakes and we  blame other people for our mistakes and this is not correct. Actually if you ask someone about our country, then he/she will reply in very polite way that "hamare desh main sanskar aur parampara hai". Means we have got very nice culture and our country is the great country due to our culture. And it sucks.......
 I don't think so our country is the great country in the world and all of you must accept the truth. And I am not blaming our culture we should follow our culture but one should update their mind according to the time. We should not waist our time in dividing cast, religions. Instead of fighting on the name of cast or religions we should fight against illiteracy, increasing population, corruption and so many.
 Do you know there is lot of difference between a developed country and India.
The thinking of a people in developed country is fully differ in all respects from Indian person. We should not blame the culture of developed countries like US,UK,etc..There culture is differ from us and still they are on the top.  Why...???
Where we are lagging..?
And the answer is we are busy in solving the unnecessary problems of our country.

Ya I know there are some faults of  Indian government also due to some corrupted politicians but if we were there we use to do the same job including me.

Special thanks to:

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Feel life when you call Nano for ride in place of Auto on the road. As we know if we are traveling in auto rikshaw then we have to argue with the driver for fare. Sometimes the rikshaw driver doesn't drop us to our destination. The argument with rikshaw driver is common now a days. In the southern states of country(India) people who don't know the local language have to face lot of problems while traveling in auto rikshaw . The city co-operation of banglore have got the idea of nano car in place of auto rikshaw. If we look the comparison both the vehicle.

Auto Rickshaw:

Power: 8.5ps @3000rpm IDI type 4 point cradle mounting
Torque: 2.1 kgm @ 2200 rpm
Cubic Capacity: 416 cc
Engine Mounting : 4 point cradle mounting
4-gear differential
Fork type: suspension
Clutch: dry single plate
Electric feed pump

Tata Nano:

length of 3.1 metres, width of 1.5 metres and height of 1.6 metres
all-aluminium, two-cylinder, 623 cc, 33 PS, multi point fuel injection petrol engine
This is the first time that a two-cylinder gasoline engine is being used in a car with single balancer shaft
Cost: On road (1.25-1.35 lakhs) approx
If we look at the cost of both the vehicle.

Tata NANO :1.25 lakhs

Autorickshaw : 0.9 lakhs

Now in the end decision in your hand.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What On Earth Are We Celebrating

What On Earth Are We Celebrating?

By Jharna Kukreja Chauhan – August 13th, 2010
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Right time to celebrate?

August 15th, 2010. India will be celebrating its 63rd Independence Day. The radio will be blaring ‘Aye mere watan ke logon’. TV channels will alternate between ‘Roja’, ‘Rang de Basanti’, ‘Border’ and ‘Lakshya’. Schools across the country will compel their students to shed Sunday morning sleepiness and partake in flag-hoisting ceremonies. Milestones will be recounted, leaders glorified and saffron, white and green will dominate the landscape . Indians across the country will wear patriotism on their sleeve.

But I’ve been wondering what are we actually celebrating? Are we rejoicing over how corrupt officials choose heftier bank balances over national pride? Or maybe we’re happy about how our elected representatives decide to put the country’s security at risk to further their own agendas.

Let’s sample a few headlines from this past week to determine whether ’tis the season to be jolly:

The two biggest sports stories of the year haven’t been those of individual excellence or teams defying all odds to come out trumps. They’ve been the stories of the IPL imbroglio and the Commonwealth Games Fiasco, with administrators from both events under the scanner for financial irregularities and other malpractices. After Lalit Modi, it’s now Suresh Kalmadi’s turn to be in the limelight for all the wrong reasons. Delays, tottering venues and an ever escalating budget were only beginning signs of the rot. Charges against Kalmadi and other officials over the past couple weeks have included corruption, money laundering and discrepancies in broadcasting and sponsorship deals. The CWG was supposed to generate pride among citizens and showcase India’s ability to stage a global event, but instead has only managed to be the source of worldwide embarrassment.

The Indian cricket team, on whom lies the brunt of the nation’s collective aspirations, has also let us down this time with a humiliating 200-run defeat in Tuesday’s ODI against New Zealand.

Industrial growth is at the lowest its been in 13 months even as inflation has returned to double digits. Petrol and diesel prices seem to be hiked every month. Prices of commodities like milk, cereals and fruits have touched an all-time high. Soaring expenses means that even the middle class are crossing out essentials from their grocery list and the poor are going hungry. This is even as surplus foodgrains lie rotting in godowns. Like the line from a song in ‘Peepli Live’ goes: Sakhi Saiyan khoob hai kamaat, Mehngai daiyan khaye jaat hai (Friend, my husband earns a lot, but the inflation is a witch that eats it all up).

The oil spill off the coast of Mumbai last Sunday after two cargo ships collided has brought up severe environmental concerns. Marine life and migratory birds have been affected and the livelihood of thousands has been hampered with estimated losses above Rs 85 crore per day. This environmental hazard occurred even as 25 years after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the Congress party faced allegations of letting off the guilty under political pressure. Victims of the tragedy have till date not been provided adequate compensation and health care.

Elsewhere in India, an eight-year-old girl was mercilessly beaten up by her teacher for failing to contribute Rs 2 to an Independence day function. This is the kind of ‘freedom’ kids in this country enjoy, where corporal punishment is an everyday occurrence that rarely comes to the fore.

Nature’s fury hasn’t left us unscathed either. The cloudburst and subsequent floods in Leh, has turned entire towns to slush and has left the area to appear like a war ravaged battleground. The death toll is at 183 and mounting while over 200 people are still missing.

Kashmir continued to boil this week with this summer’s death toll from violence rising to over 50. The Indian establishment has been unable to win over the Kashmiri population through overwhelming force and the protests in the valley are directed against the military presence. Bunkers and security forces symbolise India for most Kashmiris.

It’s not just Kashmiris who are in the centre of internal strife. The Maoist menace rears its ugly head almost every day with murders, kidnappings and attacks now a common feature in Naxal-dominated areas.

If all this wasn’t enough, the deadly H1N1 virus seems to be making a comeback. There has been a sudden spurt in swine flu cases with over 20 deaths being reported in the past three days.

Are all the above reasons, cause enough to celebrate? The optimist in me will still search for those odd success stories and attempts to overcome calamities. I too love my country and wish to be proud of what I see happening in it. To my misfortune, events of the recent past are making my wish seem like just wishful thinking.

I don’t know about you, but come Sunday, it will be difficult for me to go about chanting ‘Mera Bharat Mahaan’. Instead, I might just be tempted to hang my head in shame.